Monday, October 20, 2008

Quinceanera Diary 12 days to go

A mom phoned the other day. She said her daughter was so busy with after school activities she had no time to help her with the last minute details for her Quinceanera celebration. Is this happening with your daughter? I recommend you read Lily's - 'My Quince Diary' ...of the 12 days before her big day.

Every word that Lily shares is authentic. Her words are filled with love and pure excitement.

Does your daughter share the same real emotion about her Quinceanera with you? If not, it might be a good time to sit down and review all the positive things that are happening. Only talk about the good things. Then give your daughter a hug and tell her how much you appreciate her and how proud you are of her.

Tell her how much you're looking forward to one of the most important days of her life.

Look into her eyes and enjoy the blessed moment you are sharing with each other.

Hit this link to read Lily's - My Quince 12.

All the best,
P.S. If you haven't purchased my popular book for the Quinceanera and her parents. Quinceanera Book - Check it out now.

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