Monday, August 4, 2008

Quinceanera's #5 Secret For Saving Money

Teresa phoned me and asked me to share the fifth secret with her, since she had an appointment with a reception hall manager. She and her daughter thought they liked this hall the best, but the price was a little to high for her budget. She said she was afraid to ask for a lower price, because the manager wasn't a friendly type of person. Teresa said she felt nervous about going to the meeting.

I was happy Teresa had phoned me, since I knew I would be able to help her feel confident about herself for the meeting with the reception hall manager.

First - I asked Teresa to please take the phone and sit in a comfortable chair. The next thing we were going to do was to help her get rid of her fears. The fear and worry she had regarding her appointment with the reception hall manager. I recommend you follow the same process anytime you feel afraid to do something or you are overwhelmed with fear. I had Teresa follow the following steps:
  • Take a deep breath and exhale - repeat this process at least 3 times.
  • On your third exhale... smile ;-).
  • Take another deep breath and smile again ;-).
  • Now think of the meeting with the manager or anyone else - see that person smiling ;-) back at you and thanking you for everything. Feel the positive outcome and both of you are happy.
  • Take another deep breath and as you exhale smile ;-) again. Focus on the good feeling inside of you ...that the meeting went well and you are very happy with the outcome.
  • Life is what we make it. When you feel confident with yourself the other person will see your inner strength and not try and take advantage of you.
  • If your negative feeling returns... repeat the same process. (You can modify the process if necessary - your deep breathing and exhaling combined with a smile changes how your brain works. The process changes the messages sent to your brain from negative to positive. And you will feel relaxed. That's how you can change your attitude of inner peace and with inner self-confidence). The more often you practice this power of positive - inner confidence the happier and healthier you will be. ;-).
Now... for your meeting with the reception hall manager or anyone else you have an appointment with.
  • Tell the manager you and your family really liked the facilities or services and you would like to have your daughter's Quinceanera party at the reception hall, but you and your family feel the price is too high for what you had budgeted for,
  • You will probably be asked what can you afford? THIS IS WHERE YOU ANSWER WITH ANOTHER QUESTION...
  • Don't say anything...LET THE MANAGER TALK!!!
  • Sit quiet and let the manager talk...the more the manager gets into the salesperson's mode the more money will be knocked off the price. A price as low as they can and still afford to get your business.
  • Remember the manager wants your business as much as you want to have your daughter's Quinceanera fiesta there.
  • Keep your positive attitude and listen. Don't say anything until you think the manager has given you the lowest price possible.
  • Another insider secret: "Walking power"* - If you aren't still happy with the price you were given.
  • Get up and start to walk out ...with a smile... let the manager know you were hoping for a lower price than what you were given. Let the manager know you are going to your second choice on your list.
  • The manager will probably ask you what price you had in mind? You can then share the price you would be happy with and see it they will give it to you.
  • Always be friendly and upbeat. Managers want to work with people who are easy to work with not complainers.
Good luck and things to remember:
  1. Have a positive confident attitude.
  2. Don't share your price or budget early on.
  3. Let the manager know the price quoted was too high.
  4. Answer the manager's question with a question ..."what is your most competitive package?"
  5. Be quiet let the manager do all the talking...until you are given the final price.
  6. Then use your = "Walking Power"*.
You can make it happen...getting your best deal.

Wishing you all the best,


P.S. For your own complete Quinceanera guide book for having - Your Dream Celebration On Any Budget. Filled with tips that will save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars.
: download the first two chapters as my gift to you. For a limited time you will receive - gift/bonus with your book purchase: 70 page - Quinceanera eplanner.