Sunday, February 15, 2009

Quinceanera Learns How to Celebrate during Recession

Mom's these days are telling their daughters they can't afford to have the Quinceanera they had hoped to have. I find where ever I go, everyone is talking about the difficult financial times we are all going through. If you are the same way as me when I turn on the TV and listen to the news, I feel just terrible. My friends tell me they feel the same way...

So! I recommend if we stop listening to the newscasters' recession messages we will feel better and enjoy each day, instead of worrying about it all the time. Just because our country is experiencing economic difficulties it doesn't mean we should stop living and enjoying the important things in life.

Sharing the rites of passage with family and friends is what our ancestors did. I'm sure our ancestors adjusted to what ever challenges they had to deal with at the time. Whether it was bad weather, poor crops, illness, fires or what ever. I'm sure our ancestors didn't give up celebrating the special Quince celebration for their fifteen year old girl on her birthday.

During the difficult times the community joined together sharing their love and gratitude for her as she made her step in life from a little girl to a young woman. Why shouldn't we do the same thing...

What we need to do is spend more time and focus on what does the Quinceanera Celebration mean to everyone in the family? It's not how lavish or how much money is spent on the party that makes it an important and memorable occasion.

I recommend you read Lily's story about her Quinceanera. In her Ask Lily blog, she writes about how wonderful she felt being the Princess at her Quinceanera Celebration. After you read her entries, I recommend you have your Quinceanera read them also. Then both of you should sit down and talk about what you want to do to celebrate her rite of passage. What does her Quince mean to both of you?

Don't miss out! When you sign up for my complimentary newsletter, and confirm your sign up, you will then be able to download my gift to you - the 17 page Quinceanera eplanner. When you review the pages of the eplanner it will assist you and members of your family to decide how you want to celebrate the Quinceanera's right of passage during the recession.

P.S. Check out my Quinceanera book about how to plan a dream Quinceanera on a budget.

1 comment:

Sweet 15 Ideas said...

Great article!!! Wonderful useful information. During these hard times gold plated Quince jewelry is much more economical than solid gold. I found some beautiful gold plated Quince pieces at a Quinceanera Poetry Blog: