Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Quinceaneras' #2 Secret For Saving Money

Yesterday here in California we had a mild earthquake. It was scary to feel the earth moving and not having any control. As the earth was still moving, I disconnected the power cord from my lap top computer and ran with my computer in hand. I felt helpless. However, when the earth stopped moving I sighed of relief and got back to work.

The unsettling feeling of not feeling in control when planning your daughter's Quinceanera can also make you feel uncomfortable...unless you know all the secrets I'm sharing with you.

With these secret tips I'm sharing - You can be in total control. Knowledge is power! If you like the secrets I'm sharing with you. Check them our in greater detail in my book: Quinceanera Connection: Your Dream Celebration On Any Budget. It's available on my website: or on Amazon.

Secret #2
  • The reception will be at least 50% of your total budget, so it's very important to do your home work in this area before making your decision and signing any contracts.
  • After you have checked out at least three venues. (Reception hall, hotels, home party and others on your list) and figured out approximately how much each one would cost you...your next step is to...
  • Discuss with your family and rate the venues. Which one is your first choice, second choice and so on.
  • The first set of questions to consider are the following:
  1. Which venue's costs best fit your budget?
  2. Which venue is most convenient for your family and guests?
  3. Which venue appears to be the easiest to work with?
  4. Can the venue hold the number of guests you are planning on attending easily?
  5. Would there be other parties going on at the same time? If so would there be a sound problem?
  6. Which venue does your daughter and you like the best?
Once you have the answers to these questions you are ready for tomorrows secrets...

Until then.

All the best,
P.S. If you want the entire guide for planning a Quinceanera on Any Budget
Go to: - for a limited time you will receive a gift/bonus of a 70 page Quinceanera eplanner when you purchase my book - Quinceanera Connection: Your Dream Celebration On Any Budget.

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