Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Quinceanera's Diary ten days to go

Do you sometimes think about when you were a teen and who you talked to about things? The small things in your life and then things that seemed overwhelming you were too embarrassed to talk about them to anyone?

Things are different today. Our teens need their mom to listen to them more than ever before. So often we don't listen to our teens. We lecture. Our teens then run to their peers to listen to them. When this happens there is a risk of the outcome.
  • They need us to listen to them.
  • They need us to be understanding.
  • They need us to be interested in what's on their mind.
  • They need us to express that we are proud of their accomplishments-big and small.
  • They need us to share our own ideas when they are ready to hear us.
  • They need our appreciation and acceptance for who they are.
  • They need our love.
Don't miss Lily's ... My Quince Diary.. the days before her Quinceanera. Lily shares her excitement in her blog entry every day with us. We are fortunate to be able to follow along with her introspective look at herself as she prepares herself for her celebration of her rite-of-passage.

Hope you enjoy her diary as much as I do.

All the best,
P.S. Share Lily's blog - Diary with your daughter or a teen you know. If you haven't purchased my book for the Quinceanera and her family. Read what others say about it.

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