Friday, August 1, 2008

Quinceanera's #4 Secret For Saving Money

Diana phoned me after reading my last post and she had some questions. She asked how she should move ahead with making a final decision in choosing the venue.

Diana said, she and her daughter had chosen a reception hall they both liked, but the amount they were going to be charged was more than what they had planned on spending.

Diana said some her daughter's friends from school had used the reception hall and spent less than what she was quoted.

I recommended she needed to revisit with the manager and go over a list of final questions covering all of the areas of service she was quoted. I shared with her - to discuss with the manager the areas that could be cut or eliminated in order for her to get a lower price.

I shared with Diana - in todays economy, unless she was planning to have her daughter's Quinceanera celebration at Christmas time or June she should be able to get a lower room charge and other service charges should be negotiable.

I recommended that she should follow the guide lines listed here, plus ask any other questions she felt would help her in getting a lower price. I explained the manager wanted her business as much as she wanted her daughter's Quinceanera to be held at their reception hall.
  • Get an itemized list of exactly what is included in the fee?
  • Ask, does the fee include a kitchen clean up fee? - can this be waived?
  • Can you bring your own alcohol? If so. Is there a corkage fee? A charge for every bottle opened. If so can the fee be cut or eliminated?
  • Is there a fee for cutting the cake? If so. Can this fee be waived?
  • Is there a fee for the dance floor? Or any other items such as: table cloths, tables and chairs, fancy china plates, etc. -this might be an area for cost cutting.
  • Many hotels and reception halls include a coat room charge. This is an area of service that you can decline to have. Make sure this service isn't included.
  • Are they charging you extra for insurance? If so, you can probably obtain your own insurance for the event for a lower cost.
If you still feel the price they want to charge you is still too high. Revisit your second choice and review the same questions with them. Tomorrow I will explain: 'how to get your best deal'.

All the best,
P.S. If you would like a complete guide on how to have your dream celebration on any budget-
Go to: for a complimentary download of the first two chapters of my book. If you order the book you will receive a bonus/gift of a 70page Quinceanera eplanner.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Quinceanera's #3 Secret For Saving Money

When Rosemary called the other day and said, she was confused about choosing a place to have her daughter's Quinceanera celebration. I recommended she sit with her daughter and discuss what was most important to both of them.

I said safety should be considered. Most of us never think about our safety when going to public places until we hear about a tragedy. Then it's too late.

So, if you and your daughter have checked out at least three venues and found at least two that are with in your budget. The next step is to go back and get two recommendations for each venue. It's best to get recommendations from someone who had a Quinceanera celebration within the last six months.

Not only are you going to find out whether the venue delivered everything they promised. You should ask if they would share information of what they would have done differently if they were going to plan their Quinceanera over again.

Phone the referrals as soon as possible. Most people love to share their stories - both good and bad. A few of the questions to ask are the following:
  • Would you choose the same venue again to have your Quinceanera celebration?
  • If they answer yes...ask what are the three things they liked best about the venue?
  • If they answer no...ask what did they find wrong with the venue?
  • More than likely a manager of a banquet hall wouldn't give you the name of an unhappy customer. But you never know!
  • Find out if there were any extra charges they weren't told about before hand, and if they were surprised at the end?
  • Ask - what they would have done differently - if they could do it all over again?
It's a good idea to write down the answers to your questions. Often we are caught up in the emotion of the conversation and forget things someone tells us. This information is important. We can learn from other people, so we don't make the same mistake. Or better yet, we can learn from other people's recommendations and ideas.

...congratulations!!! when you have completed your phone calls.

You are ready for my #4 secret. Check tomorrow. Book mark this site.

All the best,
P.S. If you would like the entire story and best guide for planning a Quinceanera celebration Check out: for my book: Quinceanera Connection: Your Dream Celebration On Any Budget. You will receive a gift/bonus of 70 page Quinceanera eplanner.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Quinceaneras' #2 Secret For Saving Money

Yesterday here in California we had a mild earthquake. It was scary to feel the earth moving and not having any control. As the earth was still moving, I disconnected the power cord from my lap top computer and ran with my computer in hand. I felt helpless. However, when the earth stopped moving I sighed of relief and got back to work.

The unsettling feeling of not feeling in control when planning your daughter's Quinceanera can also make you feel uncomfortable...unless you know all the secrets I'm sharing with you.

With these secret tips I'm sharing - You can be in total control. Knowledge is power! If you like the secrets I'm sharing with you. Check them our in greater detail in my book: Quinceanera Connection: Your Dream Celebration On Any Budget. It's available on my website: or on Amazon.

Secret #2
  • The reception will be at least 50% of your total budget, so it's very important to do your home work in this area before making your decision and signing any contracts.
  • After you have checked out at least three venues. (Reception hall, hotels, home party and others on your list) and figured out approximately how much each one would cost you...your next step is to...
  • Discuss with your family and rate the venues. Which one is your first choice, second choice and so on.
  • The first set of questions to consider are the following:
  1. Which venue's costs best fit your budget?
  2. Which venue is most convenient for your family and guests?
  3. Which venue appears to be the easiest to work with?
  4. Can the venue hold the number of guests you are planning on attending easily?
  5. Would there be other parties going on at the same time? If so would there be a sound problem?
  6. Which venue does your daughter and you like the best?
Once you have the answers to these questions you are ready for tomorrows secrets...

Until then.

All the best,
P.S. If you want the entire guide for planning a Quinceanera on Any Budget
Go to: - for a limited time you will receive a gift/bonus of a 70 page Quinceanera eplanner when you purchase my book - Quinceanera Connection: Your Dream Celebration On Any Budget.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Quinceanera's Celebration #1 Secret for Saving Money

Isabel called me the other day. She said she wanted to have her daughter's Quinceanera celebration at the local hall in her neighborhood. She was upset, because the banquet hall wanted to charge her a rental fee of $700 for the room, plus security, plus...lots of other extra charges.

When she added up all the charges... they came to $1,500. That was before she added in the cost of renting tables and chairs, food and all the other costs for the reception.

She wanted to know what she could do. I first congratulated Isabel for not signing any agreement. And going home and adding up all the charges before making any decision. I told too many people don't do what she did. They say OK to what ever costs they are given. Then they go home add up the costs. Then they worry about where can they will get the money to pay for their daughters Quince celebration.
  • #1 Tip is to sit down and figure out how much you have to spend on your daughter's celebration.
  • Usually about one half (50%) is spent on the fiesta.
  • Once you know how much you have to spend you can start checking out different places to hold your fiesta.
  • Make an appointment with the banquet manager in order to find out the costs.
  • Make sure they have the date you want available.
  • Don't tell them the amount of money you are planning on spending for your daughter's Quince celebration.
  • Thank the banquet manager and let them know you are checking out other places.
  • Take the hand-out materials home with you.
  • Figure out how much the costs would be for the number of people you expect to attend your fiesta.
  • Check out at least three other places and follow the same procedure for each one.
Watch for the next secret re: how to get the best deal and what to do before you sign any contract.

If you can't wait for all the secrets to listed be on the blog. I recommend you order my book: Quinceanera Connection: Your Dream Celebration On Any Budget. You will receive a bonus/gift of a 70 page Quinceanera eplanner with your purchase of the book