Monday, December 29, 2008
How a Quinceanera Can Look like a Million on a Small Budget
Choosing the right style and color is more important than the price tag for a Quinceanera to look like a Princess.
I get phone calls all the time that the Quinceanera's sponsors donated money for her dress and they spent $1,000 on it. WoW...What kind of message is that for a girl who is planning on taking her first step as a young adult? As a young adult she will be responsible for making more decisions for herself.
After her Quince Celebration, when she says to her mother she wants to buy a pair of jeans for $150. And she gets upset when her mother says 'no' we can't afford it. The Quinceanera will be totally confused. She will be thinking her dress hanging in her closet cost $1,000. The jeans will only cost 15% of the price of her dress. And she can wear her jeans at least 100 times.
How can we expect our daughters to understand the value of things and make the best choices when they get mixed messages. Check out the great values of our designer Quinceanera dresses.
Do you have questions and need some assistance give me a call toll free: 1-866-478-4326.
All the best,
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
How to Choose Your Quinceanera Dress
Most of the time they have an idea of the color and style of the dress they want. But, when I start to ask them some questions about their body type, they realize what they had in mind to wear would not be the best for them.
We are now carrying many Quinceanera Dresses on our regular site. And we started to put together an informational guide on how to choose the right Quinceanera dress.
Check out the information and the dresses. There are terrific savings, beautiful styles and lots to choose from.
Here is a picture of one of my favorite Quinceanera dresses:

Have fun shopping our Quinceanera dresses. Let us know which dress you like the best.
Wishing you all the best,
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Good Planning for a Quinceanera Prevents Mistakes
After the event is over we can't go back and correct our mistakes.
If you are planning a Quinceanera or helping a friend or relative with planning one. It's never too late to get my free 17 page Quinceanera eplanner.(sign up for my
free newsletter and you will be guided to the link to download the free 17 page eplanner, when you receive your auto-responder email.)
The eplanner contains check off lists covering all areas of the entire day and evening of the Quince Celebration.
If you order my book you will receive a bonus/gift of a 70 page Quinceanera eplanner. The eplanner refers to the area of book that covers the information you will find helpful for the area you are working on.
You will have a complete guide covering every step along the way. You will feel as if a professional event consultant was helping you through the entire planning process.
Not only will your prevent making mistakes, you will also save money using the professional advise and tips in the book.
Plus, you will have more fun with less stress.
All the best,
Monday, November 10, 2008
Quinceanera Shares Ideas After Her Party
To find out how it made a difference...I recommend you read Lily's blog entry, about how she feels the week after her very special day in her life. Her Quince celebration.
Click to read Lily's blog entry: My Post Quince Diary.
I think you will find it very interesting.
All the best,
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Quinceanera's Diary The Party Day
Her Quince party was held at home for friends and family. Her story tells the good and the bad. We can learn from an unexpected experience that occurred during her party.
We have all heard about party crashers and how this can ruin a party. Read about how Lily's mother took control of the situation.
I would like to hear about what your thoughts are about preventing this from happening. I'm going to write some articles and blog entries about what to do regarding party crashers.
As a reminder if you live in Los Angeles I hope you can join me at Barnes & Noble at the Grove on Sunday - November 9th at 2PM for my book review presentation. For all the information go to my blog - Ask Priscilla.
Till next time,
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Meet Quinceanera Author at B & N November 9th -The Grove L.A.
Learn the secrets professional party planners use and don't share with their clients.
During these difficult economic times you will want to hear the great tips she has in her book. These tips will save you hundreds of dollars, while you are planning your Quince party.
Don't miss this great opportunity...come with your questions. You will get the answers.
Date: Sunday - November 9, 2008
Time: 2 P.M.
Place: Barnes & Noble Book Store - 189 Grove Drive, Suite K30 Los Angeles,CA 90036
(The Grove at Farmers Market - Los Angeles)
Click here for your...
Hoping to see you there... Priscilla will also give prizes to some lucky Quinceanera's in attendance.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Quinceanera's Diary - The Day Before
Check out Lily's blog the day before her Quinceanera Celebration. It's short and sweet.
Go over to My Quince Diary and read her thoughts and feelings the day before her very special celebration. Tomorrow she will accept taking on her new responsibilities of becoming a young woman.
If you have the time, please leave her your good wishes. I know she would love hearing from you.
All the best,
Thursday, October 30, 2008
The Quinceanera's Diary 3 more days
Well that's what is happening at Lily's home. There are only three more days till her Quinceanera celebration. Everyone is stressed out. They had hoped some relatives would come and help with the food preparation ahead of time. It's not happening. The guest list is getting bigger.
But, would Lily ever have wanted not to have her special Quince day? Read her blog entry, My Quince Diary and hear what she has to say.
Read about a miracle that has just happened to her mother. I had mentioned her mom was suffering from Multiple Sclerosis.
Link over to my site and bring a hankie with you.
All the best,
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Quinceanera's Diary 4 More Days till
If you have been following Lily's, My Quince Diary, don't miss her entry that's only four days before her special big day.
The stress is building, but read in her own words how she feels about the last few days before her Quinceanera.
Everyone who is planning a Quince or is going to be a guest shouldn't miss reading her blog.
Let me know what you think.
All the best,
Monday, October 27, 2008
Quinceanera's Birthday Diary
Have you and your daughter discussed what this milestone means to her? If you haven't, I invite you to get an inside view of what this important time in a Quinceanera life means to a special girl named Lily.
Check out Lily's My Quince Diary blog entry as she celebrates her 15th birthday. Her blog entry is very exciting. Not only is it her Fifteenth birthday, it's five days before her Quinceanera celebration.
Lily is so excited, it's wonderful to be able to read her thoughts and feelings that she generously shares with us on her Fifteen birthday.
I hope you enjoy reading her blog entry as much as I did.
All the best,
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Lily's Quinceanera Diary
Lily has only eight more days till her special Quince party. The party is going to be held at her home. Since her mother is suffering with Multiple Sclerosis, Lily has to help her mother much more than most teens.
Lily has such a wonderful attitude about everything. We can all learn from reading Lily's blog entries in her My Quince Diary. She shares every day and how she and her family are planning for her Quinceanera party.
She shares her dreams and fears with us. Don't miss out and I hope you share and leave your own comments for her.
All the best,
P.S. Lily read my Quinceanera book She shared with me she couldn't put the book down. She read it three days. I recommend when you read her blog entries look for Lily's own personal growth. She speaks from her heart.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
The Quinceanera's Diary ten days to go
Things are different today. Our teens need their mom to listen to them more than ever before. So often we don't listen to our teens. We lecture. Our teens then run to their peers to listen to them. When this happens there is a risk of the outcome.
- They need us to listen to them.
- They need us to be understanding.
- They need us to be interested in what's on their mind.
- They need us to express that we are proud of their accomplishments-big and small.
- They need us to share our own ideas when they are ready to hear us.
- They need our appreciation and acceptance for who they are.
- They need our love.
Hope you enjoy her diary as much as I do.
All the best,
P.S. Share Lily's blog - Diary with your daughter or a teen you know. If you haven't purchased my book for the Quinceanera and her family. Read what others say about it.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Quinceanera's Diary 11 days to Her Special Day
Go over to my main website and read Lily's - My Quince Diary. Her daily entries express how she feels. She shares her excitement as her special day gets closer and closer.
I recommend you read all her entries. Follow the increase in her self confidence and how she is expresses it. Hear her change in attitude from holding some anger to expressing gratitude and love.
Don't miss this wonderful sharing. Plus, it's a good idea for your daughter to read Lily's entries and then both of you can have fun discussing them.
All the best,
P.S. Lily read my Quinceanera book and she loved it. Check it out.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Quinceanera Diary 12 days to go
Every word that Lily shares is authentic. Her words are filled with love and pure excitement.
Does your daughter share the same real emotion about her Quinceanera with you? If not, it might be a good time to sit down and review all the positive things that are happening. Only talk about the good things. Then give your daughter a hug and tell her how much you appreciate her and how proud you are of her.
Tell her how much you're looking forward to one of the most important days of her life.
Look into her eyes and enjoy the blessed moment you are sharing with each other.
Hit this link to read Lily's - My Quince 12.
All the best,
P.S. If you haven't purchased my popular book for the Quinceanera and her parents. Quinceanera Book - Check it out now.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Quinceanera's Diary Countdown 14 more days
Her name is Lily and she is doing such a great job working with her mother and father planning her Quince Celebration. And no matter what stress the family is experiencing they all end up happy and appreciate everything they have.
- Use the link here and read about how her mom is making the guest's souvenirs.
- Read about how the family took off to relax and enjoy their hobby.
- Read about what they are doing when time is short before the party and dealing with a small budget.
'there's always a way to solve a challenge and still have fun'
All the best,
Saturday, October 18, 2008
A Quinceanera's Diary
Check out the real feelings of a Quinceanera as she and her family plan her celebration party. Her name is Lily and she is writing 'My Diary' blog entries on my regular site.
I believe every mom should read Lily's daily blog entries too better understand what does a soon to be fifteen year old, a outstanding student and compassionate daughter really want for her Quince celebration.
The story is... Lily's parents decided three weeks before her fifteenth birthday to have a Quinceanera Celebration. There's usually a lot of pressure when planning a large party, but this family has more challenges than most families.
Her mom is suffering with Multiple Sclerosis and her dad just lost his job. He has been unsuccessful in finding a new job. It's a sad story, but it appears that the Quinceanera Celebration party is the bright light the family needs at this time.
I have gotten to know the family over the phone. I won't give you any more information right now. Because, I hope you will read Lily's own story. It's straight from her heart. Leave her a comment. She would love it.
All the best,
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Today's Quinceanera Miracle Is The Honored Sponsor
Thank goodness for the Quinceanera tradition of having honored sponsors. When the costs are divided up the Quince celebration can become a reality today. As a mom or aunt or friend of the Quinceanera I recommend you do a few of the following things.
Tips for planning a Quince Celebration:
- First meet with your immediate family to discuss a budget for the Quinceanera celebration.
- Then set up a list of each item you feel is required for the Quince celebration.
- As a guide when you're developing a budget, I recommend you break down into categories and place the items into the correct areas listed
- The amount you spend on food and beverage depends on whether you are having the party catered or at a hall or hotel. If the party is going to be held at home and sponsors are donating the food, the percentage will be much lower of the total budget.
- These percentages should be used as a flexible guide.
- 52% for food and beverage.
- 18% for Photographer and/or videographer
- 4% spent is usually for Flowers
- 3% for cake
- 6% for Quinceanera dress and accessories
- 3%-18% for music
- 3% for Invitations
- 5-10% miscellaneous item
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Quinceanera's Sponsors Help Make Her Celebration Happen
There are a few things that you can do to make sure your focus is to keep everyone in the family happy and not stressed. That means you need to take care of yourself and not worry about things you have no control of. And to control things you do have control of.
Thank goodness for the Latino Quinceanera tradition of having honored sponsors. When we divide the costs of a Quince celebration it can become a reality. As a mom or aunt or friend of the Quinceanera I recommend you do a few of the following things.
- Develop a budget for the entire celebration. Then cut the budget back 20%.
- Put a plan together and list each item that you feel is required for the Quince celebration.
- As a guide when you're developing a budget I recommend the break down for each item as follows:
- 52% of the total amount to be spent is usually for food and beverage.
- 18% 0f the total amount to be spent is usually for Photographer and/or videographer
- 4% of the total amount to be spent is usually for Flowers
- 3% of the total amount to be spent is usually for cake
- 6% of the total amount to be spent is usually for Quinceanera dress and accessories
- 3%-18% of the total amount to be spent is usually for music
- 3% of the total amount to be spent is for Invitations
- 5-10% of the total amount to be spent is for miscellaneous item
Friday, September 19, 2008
Order for the Blessing on the Fifteenth Birthday
The book explains the celebration of a young woman's passage from childhood to maturity. The new bilingual book contains rituals for use to honor the Quinceañera within her community.
It contains options for using the rite of passage within and outside of Mass and includes an appendix of intercessions. Helping create a living memory and support of the Quinceanera as she thanks God and requests his blessing and dedicates herself to Mary as models of faith.
The book can be ordered on the website website.
A good companion book is Quinceanera Connection: Your Dream Celebration On Any Budget
All the best,
P.S. 'Order for the Blessing on the Fifteenth Birthday' will help your daughter with the planning of the ceremony for her special day.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Quinceanera and Mom Bond When Planning Her Celebration
A mom called me the other day. Her younger kids were crying in the background and her daughter was leaving all the final planning work for her celebration up to her.
After some discussion it sounded like she and her daughter had gotten into some arguments and weren't talking. The celebration was in one month. The mom was just about crying on the phone. She asked me what could she do? I told her to take a few deep breaths and write a note to her daughter and ask to sit down and talk with her.
I asked if she had signed up for me free newsletter so she could receive my gift of 17 page eplanner. She said no. I advised her to sign up immediately and print out the pages from the Quinceanera ePlanner. Then she should review what has to be completed for her daughter's celebration and ask her daughter for her help.
I read to her the following Seven Ways to Make a Difference In Your Daughters Life. She took notes over the phone. She thanked me. But better yet...she phoned me back the next week, too let me know she followed my advice. She and her daughter had a beautiful bonding experience. She is happy. She said her daughter was much happier also. They were both excited about working together putting the final plans together for her daughter's dream Quinceanera celebration.
I want to share a section from my book - Quinceanera Connection :Your Dream Celebration On Any Budget. - 'Parent Talk' with you.
'Seven Ways To make a Difference in Your Daughter's Life'
- Speak from your heart.
- Be her parent, not her friend. Be friends when she is an adult.
- Listen with love and understanding.
- Praise your daughter for her achievements...big or small.
- Listen to her problems and discuss solutions.
- The support and love given at home make a life-long difference.
- Accept her for the special person she is.
P.S. If you would like the whole story order my book: Quinceanera Connection: Your Dream Celebration On Any Budget - Order Now and receive your bonus gift of 70 page Quinceanera e planner.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Quinceanera Celebrations - family decisions
Next: I wanted to share one of my Bloggers Ilene for Quinceanera is having her Quinceanera Celebration today. Therefore, I am leaving for the church now and then to the party. However, the family had to deal with a decision regarding today.
Ilene's grandmother had been very ill. So, the family decided to either postpone or cancel Ilene's rite of passage celebration. However, her grandmother asked the family if anything happened to her, she wanted Ilene to have her Quince Celebration anyway.
Sadly, her grandmother did pass away a few weeks ago. The family got together and decided to fulfill her wishes. They modified some parts of the mass and the party. But, Ilene's grandmother will be there in spirit.
I will report back to you in my next post.
Wishing you all the best,
Monday, August 4, 2008
Quinceanera's #5 Secret For Saving Money
I was happy Teresa had phoned me, since I knew I would be able to help her feel confident about herself for the meeting with the reception hall manager.
First - I asked Teresa to please take the phone and sit in a comfortable chair. The next thing we were going to do was to help her get rid of her fears. The fear and worry she had regarding her appointment with the reception hall manager. I recommend you follow the same process anytime you feel afraid to do something or you are overwhelmed with fear. I had Teresa follow the following steps:
- Take a deep breath and exhale - repeat this process at least 3 times.
- On your third exhale... smile ;-).
- Take another deep breath and smile again ;-).
- Now think of the meeting with the manager or anyone else - see that person smiling ;-) back at you and thanking you for everything. Feel the positive outcome and both of you are happy.
- Take another deep breath and as you exhale smile ;-) again. Focus on the good feeling inside of you ...that the meeting went well and you are very happy with the outcome.
- Life is what we make it. When you feel confident with yourself the other person will see your inner strength and not try and take advantage of you.
- If your negative feeling returns... repeat the same process. (You can modify the process if necessary - your deep breathing and exhaling combined with a smile changes how your brain works. The process changes the messages sent to your brain from negative to positive. And you will feel relaxed. That's how you can change your attitude of inner peace and with inner self-confidence). The more often you practice this power of positive - inner confidence the happier and healthier you will be. ;-).
- Tell the manager you and your family really liked the facilities or services and you would like to have your daughter's Quinceanera party at the reception hall, but you and your family feel the price is too high for what you had budgeted for,
- You will probably be asked what can you afford? THIS IS WHERE YOU ANSWER WITH ANOTHER QUESTION...
- Don't say anything...LET THE MANAGER TALK!!!
- Sit quiet and let the manager talk...the more the manager gets into the salesperson's mode the more money will be knocked off the price. A price as low as they can and still afford to get your business.
- Remember the manager wants your business as much as you want to have your daughter's Quinceanera fiesta there.
- Keep your positive attitude and listen. Don't say anything until you think the manager has given you the lowest price possible.
- Another insider secret: "Walking power"* - If you aren't still happy with the price you were given.
- Get up and start to walk out ...with a smile... let the manager know you were hoping for a lower price than what you were given. Let the manager know you are going to your second choice on your list.
- The manager will probably ask you what price you had in mind? You can then share the price you would be happy with and see it they will give it to you.
- Always be friendly and upbeat. Managers want to work with people who are easy to work with not complainers.
- Have a positive confident attitude.
- Don't share your price or budget early on.
- Let the manager know the price quoted was too high.
- Answer the manager's question with a question ..."what is your most competitive package?"
- Be quiet let the manager do all the talking...until you are given the final price.
- Then use your = "Walking Power"*.
Wishing you all the best,
P.S. For your own complete Quinceanera guide book for having - Your Dream Celebration On Any Budget. Filled with tips that will save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars.
GO TO: download the first two chapters as my gift to you. For a limited time you will receive - gift/bonus with your book purchase: 70 page - Quinceanera eplanner.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Quinceanera's #4 Secret For Saving Money
Diana said, she and her daughter had chosen a reception hall they both liked, but the amount they were going to be charged was more than what they had planned on spending.
Diana said some her daughter's friends from school had used the reception hall and spent less than what she was quoted.
I recommended she needed to revisit with the manager and go over a list of final questions covering all of the areas of service she was quoted. I shared with her - to discuss with the manager the areas that could be cut or eliminated in order for her to get a lower price.
I shared with Diana - in todays economy, unless she was planning to have her daughter's Quinceanera celebration at Christmas time or June she should be able to get a lower room charge and other service charges should be negotiable.
I recommended that she should follow the guide lines listed here, plus ask any other questions she felt would help her in getting a lower price. I explained the manager wanted her business as much as she wanted her daughter's Quinceanera to be held at their reception hall.
- Get an itemized list of exactly what is included in the fee?
- Ask, does the fee include a kitchen clean up fee? - can this be waived?
- Can you bring your own alcohol? If so. Is there a corkage fee? A charge for every bottle opened. If so can the fee be cut or eliminated?
- Is there a fee for cutting the cake? If so. Can this fee be waived?
- Is there a fee for the dance floor? Or any other items such as: table cloths, tables and chairs, fancy china plates, etc. -this might be an area for cost cutting.
- Many hotels and reception halls include a coat room charge. This is an area of service that you can decline to have. Make sure this service isn't included.
- Are they charging you extra for insurance? If so, you can probably obtain your own insurance for the event for a lower cost.
All the best,
P.S. If you would like a complete guide on how to have your dream celebration on any budget-
Go to: for a complimentary download of the first two chapters of my book. If you order the book you will receive a bonus/gift of a 70page Quinceanera eplanner.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Quinceanera's #3 Secret For Saving Money
I said safety should be considered. Most of us never think about our safety when going to public places until we hear about a tragedy. Then it's too late.
So, if you and your daughter have checked out at least three venues and found at least two that are with in your budget. The next step is to go back and get two recommendations for each venue. It's best to get recommendations from someone who had a Quinceanera celebration within the last six months.
Not only are you going to find out whether the venue delivered everything they promised. You should ask if they would share information of what they would have done differently if they were going to plan their Quinceanera over again.
Phone the referrals as soon as possible. Most people love to share their stories - both good and bad. A few of the questions to ask are the following:
- Would you choose the same venue again to have your Quinceanera celebration?
- If they answer yes...ask what are the three things they liked best about the venue?
- If they answer no...ask what did they find wrong with the venue?
- More than likely a manager of a banquet hall wouldn't give you the name of an unhappy customer. But you never know!
- Find out if there were any extra charges they weren't told about before hand, and if they were surprised at the end?
- Ask - what they would have done differently - if they could do it all over again?
...congratulations!!! when you have completed your phone calls.
You are ready for my #4 secret. Check tomorrow. Book mark this site.
All the best,
P.S. If you would like the entire story and best guide for planning a Quinceanera celebration Check out: for my book: Quinceanera Connection: Your Dream Celebration On Any Budget. You will receive a gift/bonus of 70 page Quinceanera eplanner.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Quinceaneras' #2 Secret For Saving Money
The unsettling feeling of not feeling in control when planning your daughter's Quinceanera can also make you feel uncomfortable...unless you know all the secrets I'm sharing with you.
With these secret tips I'm sharing - You can be in total control. Knowledge is power! If you like the secrets I'm sharing with you. Check them our in greater detail in my book: Quinceanera Connection: Your Dream Celebration On Any Budget. It's available on my website: or on Amazon.
Secret #2
- The reception will be at least 50% of your total budget, so it's very important to do your home work in this area before making your decision and signing any contracts.
- After you have checked out at least three venues. (Reception hall, hotels, home party and others on your list) and figured out approximately how much each one would cost you...your next step is to...
- Discuss with your family and rate the venues. Which one is your first choice, second choice and so on.
- The first set of questions to consider are the following:
- Which venue's costs best fit your budget?
- Which venue is most convenient for your family and guests?
- Which venue appears to be the easiest to work with?
- Can the venue hold the number of guests you are planning on attending easily?
- Would there be other parties going on at the same time? If so would there be a sound problem?
- Which venue does your daughter and you like the best?
Until then.
All the best,
P.S. If you want the entire guide for planning a Quinceanera on Any Budget
Go to: - for a limited time you will receive a gift/bonus of a 70 page Quinceanera eplanner when you purchase my book - Quinceanera Connection: Your Dream Celebration On Any Budget.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Quinceanera's Celebration #1 Secret for Saving Money
When she added up all the charges... they came to $1,500. That was before she added in the cost of renting tables and chairs, food and all the other costs for the reception.
She wanted to know what she could do. I first congratulated Isabel for not signing any agreement. And going home and adding up all the charges before making any decision. I told too many people don't do what she did. They say OK to what ever costs they are given. Then they go home add up the costs. Then they worry about where can they will get the money to pay for their daughters Quince celebration.
- #1 Tip is to sit down and figure out how much you have to spend on your daughter's celebration.
- Usually about one half (50%) is spent on the fiesta.
- Once you know how much you have to spend you can start checking out different places to hold your fiesta.
- Make an appointment with the banquet manager in order to find out the costs.
- Make sure they have the date you want available.
- Don't tell them the amount of money you are planning on spending for your daughter's Quince celebration.
- Thank the banquet manager and let them know you are checking out other places.
- Take the hand-out materials home with you.
- Figure out how much the costs would be for the number of people you expect to attend your fiesta.
- Check out at least three other places and follow the same procedure for each one.
If you can't wait for all the secrets to listed be on the blog. I recommend you order my book: Quinceanera Connection: Your Dream Celebration On Any Budget. You will receive a bonus/gift of a 70 page Quinceanera eplanner with your purchase of the book
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Quinceanera Tradition With a Unique Idea
Today, I received a call from a Mom living in Florida. She shared with me: 'what's popular at many Quinceanera's Fiestas in her area'.
Picture this...
- A bouquet of balloons is created to hold the Quinceanera's special gifts and her new high heels for her special ceremony at the reception.
- Before the bouquet of balloons is put together, the Quinceanera's 'special gifts' being offered to her is placed in a separate balloon.
- A tag is placed on each balloon with the presenters name.
- When it's the presenters turn to offer their present to the Quinceanera, they break the balloon holding their gift.
- The presenter then offers their gift to the Quinceanera as they give a blessing and/or special words of love and appreciation.
- The Quinceanera's new high heels are also placed in a large balloon or balloons. When it's time for her father or honored person to place her new shoes on her feet. The balloon or balloons holding the shoes is broken. The shoes are removed and placed on her feet. A blessing or speech is given to the Quineanera, as she takes her first step as a young woman.
email me your story at:
If you've already purchased my book, you will receive a gift of equal value or greater value.
All the best,
P.S. For lots more ideas and tips check out: Quinceanera Connection: Your Dream Celebration On Any Budget- by Priscilla Mills. For your free download of the first two chapters. Scroll down on the link page. If you ... "Order Now" you will receive your gift/bonus of a 70 page Quinceanera eplanner with the purchase of book.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
July 4th Celebrate Being Grateful
I was thinking... planning a Quinceanera celebration is a time to be grateful and so is the July 4th holiday. I just received this message I would like to share with you from the : White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans -
"On this Fourth of July, we join all Americans in expressing our gratitude for the freedom this national Holiday represents. Over this holiday weekend, please take a moment to share a positive thought for the men and women serving our nation in uniform."
Holidays are usually a time to be with our families and have fun. This July 4th is a time be grateful for what we have. We have the freedoms we enjoy in the United States, because so many brave people, either gave their lives or endangered their lives in the name of freedom.
Take a few moments now and practice being grateful for what you have.
- Take a deep breath and exhale...repeat this 3 times.
- Close your eyes and take 3 more deep breathes and exhale. Smile...
- Think of 3 things you are grateful for.
- Feel the blessings of what you have.
- Hold on to those wonderful feelings and say thank you for what you have.
- Now take 3 more deep breathes and exhale.
- Open your eyes smile and remember the wonderful feeling of being grateful for what you have.
PS: check out my book that I wrote for the Quinceanera and her family. You can download the first two chapters free.
Monday, June 30, 2008
How to Make a Dream Quinceanera Reality
The Mom never asked her daughter 'WHY' she didn't want to have a Corte de Honor. Planning your daughter's Quinceanera is the perfect time to share. To share ideas and time to share quality time. Time to communicate on a different level.
It's important to remember that the Quince celebration is all about your daughter making her transition from a little girl to a young woman. Why not start now and use the planning process for helping both of you create a beautiful new bond as she prepares for her transition to a young woman.
There are so many decisions that have to be made. The first item for the family to discuss is the 'budget'. The amount of money planned to be spent, will be a major influence on most of the other decisions to be made.
The good news is: you don't need to spend a lot of money to have a lovely and memorable occasion.
- 50% to 52% of the budget is usually spent on the food/beverages/banquet hall
- 15% to 18% Photographer and/or videographer
- 3% to 5% Flowers
- 2 to 3 % Cake
- 5% to 6% Dress for Quinceanera and her accessories
- 3% to 18% Music- decision live band and/or D.J
- 3% Invitations
- 5 to 10% Misc.
Wishing you all the best,
P.S. Your "perfect guide" for having a "dream Quinceanera celebration" is...Quinceanera Connection: Your Dream Celebration On Any Budget- by Priscilla Mills. "Order Now" and receive your gift/bonus of a 70 page Quinceanera eplanner with the purchase of book.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
How To Be the Mom Your Quinceanera Needs
I’m sure many of the mothers have been saying, “My daughter won’t talk to me”. All my daughter does is argue with me and then she runs off crying or yelling at me. Does that sound familiar?
In the book I authored: Quinceanera Connection: Your Dream Celebration On Any Budget, I wrote, “your daughter may be begging for Independence, but she wants your approval now”.
It might seem impossible to be the ‘perfect mom’ of a teen, but you can do it. There was no instruction manual when you delivered your daughter. Nor did you ever think about the challenges you both would have when she entered puberty and then celebrated her right-of-passage and beyond.
- She needs to hear from her loving mother, being born female is a gift from God.
- A gift she should be proud of and cherish.
- A gift she should not share until she is old enough and wise enough to make the right choices.
Isabel said she was totally unprepared. She was embarrassed when she started to menstruate. It came on at school. She thought she was dying. She ran to the school nurse for help.
• She never had a close relationship with her mother again.
• She didn’t trust her mother any longer to be her guide.
• She felt her mother let her down.
Isabel’s story was sad. She said she made the wrong choices. She had a baby when she was in college. She knew she didn’t want to have anything to do with the child's father. She dropped out of school.
• She didn’t tell her mother until the baby was about to be born.
• Unfortunately, the baby was born with serious health problems.
• As she was telling me her story, I could hear anger in her voice. It was possibly the same anger she felt when she believed her mother let her down.
• Your role as the mother of a teen has changed.
• However, your daughter needs you more than ever before.
• She needs you to listen to her problems without criticism.
• She wants to feel like a grownup, but she is scared.
• Everyday she has all the social pressures to deal with at school.
• Her body and hormones are changing constantly.
• One day someone is her best friend the next day her enemy.
• She needs you more than ever before.
• Ask your daughter to help you with a simple task that you can both do together. – Preferably something fun.
• Praise her for her help.
• Tell her you love her and talk about something positive.
• Then let her talk. JUST LISTEN.
• If she doesn’t say anything. That’s fine. After you both are finished with the task. Give her a big hug. Tell her you love her and appreciate her help.
• Let a few days go by. Then ask for her help again for something simple and quick. Repeat the process.
• Then follow up each day and without asking for her help…give her a hug and thank her for being such an important part of your life.
Your daughter will start to feel she can trust you. You will have reconnected with love and without anger and yelling.
I’m planning on writing an e book about the important role a mother has in her daughter's life. From my research I've found if a teen girl doesn’t have a close trusting, loving relationship with her mother. She runs off into the arms of a boy and she makes the wrong choices.
Please - call me toll free at (866) 478-4623 or email me at: So we can chat about your relationship with your daughter. I will share my research with you.
Your daughter’s Quinceanera will be more meaningful for everyone involved when you – speak from your heart and don’t criticize her.
All the best,
PS: Until my e book is published, you will find my book- Quinceanera Connection-“Parent Talk” section very helpful for creating a loving, trusting relationship with your Quinceanera. For a limited time you will also receive your free bonus/gift of a 70-page Quinceanera
e planner. – BUY NOW! free shipping.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Seven Secrets for Having an Amazing Quinceanera on a Small Budget
Elena had purchased my book: Quinceanera Connection: Your Dream Celebration On Any Budget. She wanted to share her ideas and what she was considering doing for her daughter's Quinceanera after reading my book.
Elena said, " she now believed, it was possible for her to have a beautiful Quinceanera celebration for her daughter - that would fit into her small budget."
Elena was delighted she was well enough to plan her daughter's Quince fiesta. She said it was fine for me to share what she was planning to do and write about it on my blog. She felt it would be helpful for other mom's to know "you don't need to spend a lot of money in order to fulfill your dreams".
The following are 7 tips from her long list for having a " amazing Quinceanera on a small budget:"
1. Together the family reviewed the proposed guest list. After much discussion they cut the guest list in half. They shared it was better to have a small Quinceanera celebration than not have one at all. They decided to only invite family members and close friends. They still had guest list of almost 100 people.
2. Her daughter with the help of other family members decided on a color theme for her Quinceanera party. In order to save money they are planning on making everything except:
- The Quinceanera dress
- The album
- The tiara
3. Each of the Quinceanera's sisters volunteered to take on a different responsibility for the party.
- Her older sister who had taken cake decorating classes offered to bake her a special birthday cake.
- They decided to test different types of cakes and fillings and invite a few family members and friends for a cake testing party. (Sounds like lots of fun to me)
5. They decided on a menu and are asking certain family members to make a specific dish. The food will be served buffet style. Other family members are being asked to bring beverages.
6. A close friend of the family is a videographer. He was asked if he would take the video of the Quinceanera's special day. Knowing the family was experiencing a financial hardship ... he said he would be honored to produce the video of her "Quinceanera celebration story".
7. The major decision was where to hold the Quinceanera Celebration. The family home is too small for the fiesta. Elena is in the process of asking family members if they could use their home for the party. They have had a few offers and are deciding which one will be the best for the "spectacular Quinceanera Celebration".
I would love to hear your own ideas and experiences. Please leave me a comment here or email me at:
The Quinceanera tradition dating back to the early 1500's was a community event. Everyone participated with either making handmade gifts, dresses, handicrafts, music and food or what ever was needed to create a "spectacular celebration".
All the best,
PS: The bonus-gift of the very popular ... 70-page Quinceanera eplanner is still available with the purchase of my book- Quinceanera Connection: Your Dream Celebration On Any Budget. "A value of $25.00 for only $12.95 with free shipping."
Friday, May 23, 2008
Mom - the unsung heroine of the Quinceanera
Even the dictionary makes reference to the male hero to define the feminine extraordinary woman. The heroine or the Goddess.
Yes, mom de la Quinceanera is the unsung heroine. Whether it's planning your daughter's Quinceanera or helping other family members in need of your help it's more than likely you to the rescue. Who comes to your rescue when your feet hurt so much you can hardly walk?
But, unsung means you quietly perform what ever is required, without asking for help. You probably do it all on your own.
I hear all to often that's what's happening to mom's when they are planning their daughters Quinceanera. But, please share with me whose fault is it? Do you ask for help? Did you make a list and ask friends and family to help with different tasks? If you can say yes, then you are a smart good delegater. And, a good role model for your daughter. If you answered no. You need to spend some alone time and figure out a plan to get some assistance in order for you to not get stressed and avoid getting sick.
My first recommendation is to purchase my book: Quinceanera Connection: Your Dream Celebration On Any Budget. The book is the perfect guide for helping you to be organized and it contains all the tips and tools you need when planning a large event. It's the best investment you can make.
Everyone who has read it, says they can't stop reading it and then they refer to it on all the time. The bonus - 70 page Quinceanera eplanner you get when you buy my book, will help you with every step of your planning process. Plus, the usual hectic last week and the day of the Quinceanera will all come together with ease. You will avoid costly mistakes and you will save money. Because of the 101 tips and information noted in the book, you will be able to not only be the heroine, you will enjoy being the Queen.
In fact... if it was up to me I would make sure every mother wore a crown at her daughter's Quinceanera Celebration. Mom's deserve special recognition. Maybe, I should start a trend and promote a crown for mom de la Quinceanera.
What do you think? Would you wear one? Please let me know. For the next two weeks everyone who phones me, will be asked that question. I will then post the answers here.
Enjoy, relax, take care of yourself.
All the best,
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Creating Magic When Planning your Quinceanera Celebration
Thoughts from other mom's-
Elizabeth, one of the moms shared; she feels there is no financial burden on the family this way. Instead of spending small amounts of money on unnecessary day to day things, she is saving and buying things as she goes along planning her daughter's Quinceanera celebration.
Alma, another mom I spoke with said: 'after I make my purchase I put it in a special place for safe keeping. My daughter and I look at everything at least once every few weeks. We have a list of what we want to buy and we have so much fun checking out everything all the time'. I could hear the joy in her voice. It was magical.
I've found when I plan a party or vacation it's as much fun as the actual experience it self. Don't miss out on the double fun. It's important to take enough time during the planning process so everyone has the opportunity to share in the double fun and excitement. First during the planning process and then the actual celebration.
That's why it's so important to leave enough time to enjoy every experience along the way.
Think about how wonderful it's to watch your favorite movie twice. Don't you enjoy the movie more the second time? Don't you feel more comfortable because you've been there before?
I know for myself I miss things the first time when I see a movie. The second time I see new things and have a new magical experience.
Plan ahead make the planning process a lot of fun and a magical bonding happening for everyone involved in your daughter's Quinceanera celebration.
BUY NOW- your perfect guide-book with the bonus 70 page Quinceanera eplanner to help you create your daughter's magical day.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Quince Girls' need Mom to Listen with Love & Understanding
Most likely she is in high school now and that's a social shock for all girls. Your daughter needs you more than ever before. As I wrote in my book: Quinceanera Connection: Your Dream Celebration On Any Budget. In the 'Parent Talk Section', I discuss how important it's for every teenager to have a trusting sounding board to be heard with love and without judgment.
So often teens say- 'no one ever listens to me', because there is so much emotion in the conversations, no can really listen. The best way is too just listen. Listen with love and understanding.
Treat your daughter the way you want to be treated. Ask her how her day was. Tell her you love her, especially on those difficult days. Speak with a loving and caring voice. Don't criticize. listen...listen ...listen...
I want to share a new blog entry on my web site Michelle's Blog is written by Michelle, a freshman in high school who is planning her Quinceanera. She and her mom have a beautiful relationship, but they had to work at it. I think Michelle has expressed her feelings and thoughts very well, about the challenges teen girl's have about 'boys'. I recommend you read her blog entry and have your daughter read it also. Then discuss it. Hear what she has to say. Michelle writes from her heart and soul the truth. That's what life is all about. Being true to yourself first.
All the best,
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Save Money- Exquisite Quinceanera Dresses Below Wholesale
Before I place anything on website, I compare all other products on the web. I check out other companies shipping rates and I make sure I'm giving my customers the best deal.
When, I met Cande and heard that she had to close her Quinceanera/Bridal shop, because her landlord doubled her rent when her lease was to be renewed. She had to close the business her mother had started 35 years ago.
She had just received her new order of Quinceanera dresses/gowns and she couldn't return them. OUCH!
I told her that I would help her out by placing pictures and some information about her inventory on my site. I get no profit from the sale of these dresses. I wanted both my customers and Cande to benefit.
There are only nine or so gowns left. In limited colors and sizes. If you are the lucky one grab it. We will keep your secret and not let anyone know you got such a great deal.
This is the link ... more information regarding the Quinceanera dresses
Monday, April 7, 2008
What Mom's de la Quinceanera Must Know About The Teen Brain
Interesting scientific information has been brought to my attention today and I thought I would share it with you. Through the use of MRI's and other research studies neuroscientists at the National Institute of Mental Health have shown that a teens' brain is not fully developed until his/her early twenties. What this means is that most teens can't be expected to make decisions on a consistent basis like an adult can. The part of the brain that controls their decision making process is the frontal lobe, which is still process of developmental growth.
Dr. Jay Giedd, lead researcher at the National institute of Health using MRI scans demonstrates by comparing the adult brain to the teen brain, the teen brain uses unlike pathways as the adult brain to make decisions. Dr. Giedd's studies show that for many teens this area of the brain is not developed until the early 20's. Teens instead use another area of the brain for making decisions. The area of the brain teens use controls the arousal, fear and the overall teens emotional state.
Therefore, when a teenager makes a decision many times he/she is influenced by the excitement of the moment and rather than the long term consequences regarding his/her decision.
If you missed the Good Morning America segment on Spring Break behavior you will find this very interesting information. The behavior on the video is such that I don't think any parent would want to see it. However, education is the best prevention of this ever happening to someone in your family. Watching the video with your daughter and discussing both of your observations without judgment will help both of you.
Dr. Giedd states,'The brain is largely wired for social interaction and for bonding with caretakers. And sometimes it's even disappointing to people with all the science and all the advances that the best advice we can give is things that our grandmother could have told us generations ago: to spend loving and quality time with our children...'.
Glenn Goldberg, J.D., R.C. Adolescent Specialist and Parent Coach, states: Most parents of teens have experienced bad attitudes and disrespectful communication. It's not fun, but it's normal...Understanding more about your teenager's still developing brain may help release some of your hurt, resentment and confusion. It also may encourage you to give your child some extra grace, patience and compassion as they complete their passage from being a dependent child to an independent adult.
I thought this is a very important piece of information to share with you as your daughter celebrates her right of passage at her Quinceanera Celebration. This knowledge will help both of you better understand her need for your support and guidance as she matures into a lovely young woman.
I have placed some links for those of you who would like to learn more about the subject of the Teen Brain and it's development and the reason why teens follow the behavior of the group even when it puts them in danger. Education is power.
I recommend you share this information with your daughter. Discuss your areas of concern. It will bring you both closer together. Your days will be filled with more sunshine. You can also check out my blog on the same subject at Ask Priscilla.
Other links:
The Teen Brain by Glenn Goldberg- J.D. R.C. Adolescent Specialist
Inside the Teenage Brain- interview with Dr. Jay Giedd by PBS
Spring Break Confessions -video
Thursday, April 3, 2008
How to Handle Last Minute Stress or Any Stress
But, you need to take a few minutes each day and focus on JUST YOURSELF.
I recommend you start doing the following:
- Find a quiet place.
- Sit down and be comfortable.
- Close your eyes.
- Take a deep breath and exhale.
- Then repeat: take at least six deep breaths and exhaling after each deep breath.
- Next: say to yourself (or out loud) "I know GOOD is happening today" repeat the statement 6 times and then end with -
- Thank you God.
- Take one more deep breath and exhale and end with a smile.
- That's it! It works! You will feel more relaxed. You will be happier. You will look beautiful. You'll be able to enjoy the moment and the day much more.
I used similar techniques working with Injured Workers for over five years as a life coach. Helping each person build their inner strength, while handling their challenges in life. The process helped hundreds of people. It's my gift to you.
I use this process all the time myself. Especially when Google changes my website position in the organic search engine for no reason at all.
Share the process with others. Let us all feel peace and harmony within. When we feel grateful more goodness comes to us.
Go for it! You deserve to have your life filled with unlimited joy, peace, love, abundance and harmony.
All the best,
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Check out our latest press release and an article
Check out this article you should find it useful:
Quinceanera - 5 Things Latina Teens Need To Prepare For Their Special Day By []Priscilla Mills
Your Quince celebration is a good time to start to think about the opportunities you have in your life. It is your choice that determines what kind of life you choose for yourself. As you prepare with your family for your right of passage celebration, this is the time to think about what your transition means to you. With all the decisions and preparations, many girls find this time to be overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be. It can be a wonderful learning experience and time to bond with your family as a young woman no longer their little girl.
Often parents want to give their daughters big expensive parties, because they never had one of their own. Parents mean well, but they do not realize the stress it places on their daughter. Parents many times do not realize what their daughter really wants? They think their daughter should be happy with the party they are giving her, because they never had this opportunity when they were her age.
Maria Perez father sold his hard earned investment, just so he could create an expensive Hollywood -like party for his daughters Quinceanera celebration. Sadly, her father found out later, that Maria was so nervous at her gala celebration she could not enjoy herself. She could not wait till the evening was over.
It is very important to sit down and be honest with your parents and tell them what you really would like for your Quince celebration. Think about what is really important to you? Share with your parents that you appreciate their generosity, but their love for you is what is so important. Plan what you would like to say to them. Your parents have had their dreams about you being their special Princess at your fabulous party for a long time. So you don't want to upset them and get into an argument. You want to tell them how you really feel about having a huge expensive party and how grateful you are for whatever they give you.
What ever type of celebration you are going to have this is the time in your life, when you are making your transition from a little girl to a young woman. It is important for you to focus on the special person you are. It is time for you to check out the special talents you have. The talents you were born with and that differentiates you from everyone else.
If you don't already know what makes you great, continue to search. The sooner you become aware of your special talents the happier you will be. As you continue to discover your special talents you will feel more confident about yourself. This will help you as you make your journey for a meaningful life.
As a teen you are still going through physical and emotional changes. All the changes you are going through are part of the transition you are making as you become a young woman. Both your mind and body are changing as you make your transition from a little girl to a young woman. It is time to celebrate. Yes, there is a lot going on. Your body is changing, you might feel hormones raging and your emotions at times seem to be running wild. You might be gaining or losing weight and suddenly you feel a need for peer support and approval.
It is normal to start to feel a need to declare your independence from your parents. You are becoming a grown person capable of making your own decisions. Your search for yourself can create stress in school, home and among your friends.
The choices you make and the actions you take today will make the difference in your life today and for the rest of your life.
You need to believe in yourself.
You are special and you deserve the best. But it's up to you to take the steps and move forward as the special young woman you are.
Priscilla Mills is the author of the book: Quinceanera Connection: Your Dream Celebration On Any Budget. Priscilla Mills educates her audience that the beautiful Quinceanera tradition should be the focus of the right-of-passage ceremony. Mills is very concerned that MTV and Hollywood has influenced families and they are spending money on the celebration they can't afford. On her site her articles and blog; Ask Priscilla is filled with good advice and hints on how to have it all and still have money left over for the Quinceanea's education fund. There are also blogs written by girls planning their Quinceanera. They share their everyday life challenges as they plan their own Quinceanera. Mills offers a free 17 page eplanner when someone signs up for a free website membership. She also offers a free bonus of a 70 page eplanner with the purchase her book: Quinceanera Connection:Your Dream Celebration On Any Budget. Mills is a life coach and a graduate of the Harvard Business School, O.P.M. entrepreneurial program.
Article Source:
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Tips When Choosing Your Quinceanera Invitations
- Printers will ship with a fast turn around. Make sure you leave enough time before you need to send out your invitations, just in case an error is found in your order. It's better to be safe than sorry. I found our printer to be very accommodating, but if you don't have time for having corrections made, it can be upsetting. Therefore order your invitations no later than five weeks before you need to start sending them out to your guests.
- One of the most popular designs is the invitation that has space for the Quinceanera's picture - enter 4969 - in the box marked- product search- and you will be taken to the design I am talking about. The picture is placed on the front of the invitation. The invitation is designed to hold a photo 2.5 inches by 3 inches. Everyone likes this design, because it personalizes the invitation. It becomes more than a invitation it's also a gift. A gift of a photo of the Quinceanera.
- It's fun to choose the print color of the invitation to match the inside color of the envelopes. That's why it's important to have your color theme picked out before you choose your invitations.
- Another important point, is to make sure you have your compete list of the Corte of Honor with their names spelled correctly.
- Allow at least two weeks from the time you place your order to the date you receive will invitations from the printer.
- For added protection for yourself make sure you have an extra two weeks before you plan to send out your invitations. Just in case there is an error made and it needs to be corrected and resent back to you.
- Plan to send your Quinceanera invitations six to eight weeks before your daughters Quinceanera celebration.
- Some families are sending out 'save the date' announcements six months ahead of the Quinceanera celebration. You know your guests and whether it's necessary to send them out or not.
Have a question??? Any question. Hit comments and write your question and I will answer it. ;-)
All the best,
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Moms' of the Quince Girl - this is your space
All to often the person on the other end of the phone sounded like she was ready to cry. It was always the last minute mistakes that were popping up. I felt so bad for each one. I tried to help as much as I could with last minute orders etc. But, what everyone needed was having someone who cared and would take time to listen to their problem or sometimes problems.
When I wrote the book Quinceanera Connection Your Dream Celebration On Any Budget, I didn't realize the heavy burdens the mothers of the Quinceanera has. I expected the Quince girl to take on more responsibility for her special day. Now, I don't know whose fault it is that most moms are doing it all. It's just too much for one person to handle.
I recommend before it's to late. You need to get your daughter more involved with the plans. I worked with a group of girls planning their Quinceanera. I gave them my book and we made up the Quinceanera e planner. Anyway, we sat down and reviewed all the details it takes to plan an event for over thirty people. They were surprised as to the number of details that had to be taken care.
Each gal thought of their mother and how little extra time she had for herself. Their moms were working. There were other kids at home that needed attention. There was laundry, cooking and on and on. Does that sound familiar? No wonder the mothers who phoned me were so stressed.
OK, what can you do to make things easier for yourself and your family? No matter where you are in the planning cycle you need to consider some of the following suggestions.
- You need to have a planner to assist you with the organization of all the details relating to the event. This means contact names, phone numbers, contracts, agreements and everything else. The more organized you are the easier it will be for you. And the less chance you will have for expensive mistakes to happen.
- If the date of the Quinceanera is within the next month click here and download the free 17 page Quinceanera e planner It's a modified version of the bonus e planner. It will help with handling all the last minute details that can be so stressful you might not be able to enjoy your daughters special day. I could fill volumes with horror stories of things that occurred on the day of a major event that could have been avoided if the person in charge had been totally organized. That also means you will need to created lists for those who are assisting you with last minute and day of the event responsibilities.
- What makes a large family event successful with beautiful memories? It's getting everyone in the family involved. That means everyone has to have responsibilities. Sit down and share with your daughter what you have accomplished to date and what has to be done. Ask her where does she feels she can be the most help to you? This will help create a closer bond between the two of you. Plus, not only will she help you with the area she agrees to handle. She will also learn from the experience. She will feel more involved and really appreciate all that you are doing for her special day.
- Take time out on a regular basis reviewing with your daughter where you are in the planning stage and what has to be accomplished. Make sure you use the planner and calendar when you discuss things with her. When you use the planner in your discussions it will eliminate the chance of having any emotional outbreaks. Your daughter should feel comfortable using a planner and the need to meet deadlines. Therefore, when you use the planner workbook she will respect you and herself working together in a discipline environment.
- Your daughter needs you more than ever before. It might not seem that way, but it's true. From all the research I have done with groups of teens and moms I've found if a girl can't communicate with her mother, she goes off searching for a boy who she thinks will care for her and listen to her. Teen boys have a different agenda then your daughter has. This is the perfect time to make your daughter feel extra special and appreciated as you listen to her with out judgment. She will love and appreciate you more than ever and not have the need to find love in other places. She is still learning and testing what is best for her. That is why she needs you not a teen boy who is trying to grow up and find himself.