Even though the Quinceanera is a tradition that dates back over 500 years. Todays’ Latina can use the latest technology when planning for her special day.
Check out this website for the Quinceanera to Use the Virtual Model to Choose Best Hair Style. This is a great place for experimenting with different hairstyles. The site offers a virtual model that you can adjust to match your own measurements, age, and skin tone.
What’s next? Will the traditional Corte of Honor be replaced with virtual dancers?
Technology has changed our lives so much. Before long the close contact we experienced all the time with friends and family is now becoming less and less. It used to be teens talked on the phone too much of the time. Now it’s text messaging. It takes less time and you can text a few people in the same period of time as you would make one phone call to one person.
Life is becoming more and more impersonal. Learning how to communicate face to face will probably become more of a challenge as we continue to get more attached to our cell phones, I pods, and computers.
I recommend mom’s should have some fun also and check out the InStyle.com site and play with the makeover section.
Have fun.
All the best,
P.S. If you didn’t purchase my Quinceanera book your also missing out. Click to check it out now. You’ll be happy you did.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
How to Help Your Quinceanera Have Her Best Life
Why will making a mistake change a Latina’s life forever? Do you know the important secret to ensure your Quinceanera will be the Princess she deserves to be? And not have a life of the victim who lost out, because she made the wrong choices.
The news is blasting the latest scary statistics of the increase in teen dropouts and teen pregnancy. The numbers are increasing every week. Click here for the ABC news story on teen pregnancy.
Teen pregnancy is an epidemic!
Teen dropout is an epidemic!
Don’t let it happen to your daughter!
The secret to making sure your Quinceanera doesn’t fall victim of some boy who says, he ‘loves her’ just to get what he wants. She needs you to be her mentor. A mentor is a trusted guide.
Your daughter needs you more than ever before to listen without judging her. She needs guidance as to what are her best choices for her now and for her future. She needs to be guided as to what is the right choice and what is the wrong choice and why.
She needs someone who loves and accepts her for who she is.
If you don’t feel comfortable to discuss the challenging subjects such as sex and school and friends. You need to seek out another caring adult who you daughter feels comfortable with. Someone who will listen to her fears and hopes with compassion.
In my Quinceanera book, I discuss how to communicate with your daughter about her challenges and the choices she makes.
The section for parents…’Parent Talk’ is a guide for parents’ of teens and how to handle their new role.
Now is the perfect time when you’re planning your daughter’s Quince celebration to develop an even closer mother-daughter relationship that will grow forever.
You need to make sure your Quinceanera completes her high school education and doesn’t become a teen mother.
Giving your daughter a beautiful Quince Celebration is wonderful, but what your daughter also needs is a MOM who will listen to her and who she can trust.
This is the time for the Latina to have the life her ancestors wouldn’t have been able to have.
All the best,
The news is blasting the latest scary statistics of the increase in teen dropouts and teen pregnancy. The numbers are increasing every week. Click here for the ABC news story on teen pregnancy.
Teen pregnancy is an epidemic!
Teen dropout is an epidemic!
Don’t let it happen to your daughter!
The secret to making sure your Quinceanera doesn’t fall victim of some boy who says, he ‘loves her’ just to get what he wants. She needs you to be her mentor. A mentor is a trusted guide.
Your daughter needs you more than ever before to listen without judging her. She needs guidance as to what are her best choices for her now and for her future. She needs to be guided as to what is the right choice and what is the wrong choice and why.
She needs someone who loves and accepts her for who she is.
If you don’t feel comfortable to discuss the challenging subjects such as sex and school and friends. You need to seek out another caring adult who you daughter feels comfortable with. Someone who will listen to her fears and hopes with compassion.
In my Quinceanera book, I discuss how to communicate with your daughter about her challenges and the choices she makes.
The section for parents…’Parent Talk’ is a guide for parents’ of teens and how to handle their new role.
Now is the perfect time when you’re planning your daughter’s Quince celebration to develop an even closer mother-daughter relationship that will grow forever.
You need to make sure your Quinceanera completes her high school education and doesn’t become a teen mother.
Giving your daughter a beautiful Quince Celebration is wonderful, but what your daughter also needs is a MOM who will listen to her and who she can trust.
This is the time for the Latina to have the life her ancestors wouldn’t have been able to have.
All the best,
quince celebration,
teen pregnancy
Friday, February 20, 2009
How to Choose Your Quinceanera Dress
A mom planning her daughter's Quinceanera called the other day concerned about how she could help her choose the best dress for her. She said the problem was her daughter's Quince was still six months away, but she didn't want to wait till the last minute to purchase her dress.
The big problem was that her daughter's weight changed a lot from month to month.
I told her not to worry, because many dresses designed for the Quinceanera were made to handle this challenge. Since teen girls weight does change so much, because of usual biological reasons many manufacturers are aware of this fact and have come up with a solution.
The answer is to choose a Quinceanera dress that's made with a lace up closing instead of one that has buttons or a zipper.
Check out our informational page about 'How to Choose the Best Dress'.
Also look at our pictures and descriptions we have quite a few to choose from.
All the best,
The big problem was that her daughter's weight changed a lot from month to month.
I told her not to worry, because many dresses designed for the Quinceanera were made to handle this challenge. Since teen girls weight does change so much, because of usual biological reasons many manufacturers are aware of this fact and have come up with a solution.
The answer is to choose a Quinceanera dress that's made with a lace up closing instead of one that has buttons or a zipper.
Check out our informational page about 'How to Choose the Best Dress'.
Also look at our pictures and descriptions we have quite a few to choose from.
All the best,
quince dress,
quinceanera dresses
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Quinceanera Learns How to Celebrate during Recession
Mom's these days are telling their daughters they can't afford to have the Quinceanera they had hoped to have. I find where ever I go, everyone is talking about the difficult financial times we are all going through. If you are the same way as me when I turn on the TV and listen to the news, I feel just terrible. My friends tell me they feel the same way...
So! I recommend if we stop listening to the newscasters' recession messages we will feel better and enjoy each day, instead of worrying about it all the time. Just because our country is experiencing economic difficulties it doesn't mean we should stop living and enjoying the important things in life.
Sharing the rites of passage with family and friends is what our ancestors did. I'm sure our ancestors adjusted to what ever challenges they had to deal with at the time. Whether it was bad weather, poor crops, illness, fires or what ever. I'm sure our ancestors didn't give up celebrating the special Quince celebration for their fifteen year old girl on her birthday.
During the difficult times the community joined together sharing their love and gratitude for her as she made her step in life from a little girl to a young woman. Why shouldn't we do the same thing...
What we need to do is spend more time and focus on what does the Quinceanera Celebration mean to everyone in the family? It's not how lavish or how much money is spent on the party that makes it an important and memorable occasion.
I recommend you read Lily's story about her Quinceanera. In her Ask Lily blog, she writes about how wonderful she felt being the Princess at her Quinceanera Celebration. After you read her entries, I recommend you have your Quinceanera read them also. Then both of you should sit down and talk about what you want to do to celebrate her rite of passage. What does her Quince mean to both of you?
Don't miss out! When you sign up for my complimentary newsletter, and confirm your sign up, you will then be able to download my gift to you - the 17 page Quinceanera eplanner. When you review the pages of the eplanner it will assist you and members of your family to decide how you want to celebrate the Quinceanera's right of passage during the recession.
P.S. Check out my Quinceanera book about how to plan a dream Quinceanera on a budget.
So! I recommend if we stop listening to the newscasters' recession messages we will feel better and enjoy each day, instead of worrying about it all the time. Just because our country is experiencing economic difficulties it doesn't mean we should stop living and enjoying the important things in life.
Sharing the rites of passage with family and friends is what our ancestors did. I'm sure our ancestors adjusted to what ever challenges they had to deal with at the time. Whether it was bad weather, poor crops, illness, fires or what ever. I'm sure our ancestors didn't give up celebrating the special Quince celebration for their fifteen year old girl on her birthday.
During the difficult times the community joined together sharing their love and gratitude for her as she made her step in life from a little girl to a young woman. Why shouldn't we do the same thing...
What we need to do is spend more time and focus on what does the Quinceanera Celebration mean to everyone in the family? It's not how lavish or how much money is spent on the party that makes it an important and memorable occasion.
I recommend you read Lily's story about her Quinceanera. In her Ask Lily blog, she writes about how wonderful she felt being the Princess at her Quinceanera Celebration. After you read her entries, I recommend you have your Quinceanera read them also. Then both of you should sit down and talk about what you want to do to celebrate her rite of passage. What does her Quince mean to both of you?
Don't miss out! When you sign up for my complimentary newsletter, and confirm your sign up, you will then be able to download my gift to you - the 17 page Quinceanera eplanner. When you review the pages of the eplanner it will assist you and members of your family to decide how you want to celebrate the Quinceanera's right of passage during the recession.
P.S. Check out my Quinceanera book about how to plan a dream Quinceanera on a budget.
planning quinceanera,
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Quinceanera's Can Fulfill Their Dreams
January 20th was a day in American history that brought everyone closer together, no mater what color, background or education. It was a day when everyone shared in supporting our new President. A man who came from a home with no father. A home where his grandmother was his support and mentor.
If you saw the inauguration you would have seen so many different leaders of our country. Many of them woman who were involved in todays celebration in roles that no other woman in history have been involved in before. This country is going through changes. Good changes. It's a country that now honors woman in new roles of leadership.
As a mom of a Quinceanera and/or mentor of a young woman, it's time for you to guide your daughter or mentee for her to realize how special she is. Let her know she has the opportunity to fulfill her dream. A dream that she has talked about. And maybe you thought she was silly, when she told you she wanted to be a doctor, or a teacher or a attorney or whatever career path she mentioned.
Did you think to yourself... 'it would be so difficult for her to try and get there. I don't want her to be disappointed.' Did you want her to take the easy path. A path she knows and she won't fail.
Read the words of President Lincoln.
"You can have anything you want - if you want it badly enough. You can be
anything you want to be, do anything you set out to accomplish, if you hold
to that desire with singleness of purpose."
Be there for your daughter, especially as she celebrates her Quinceanera. Support her when she discusses her dreams with you. Believe in her dreams. She will love you more for being there and for your love and support.
If you saw the inauguration you would have seen so many different leaders of our country. Many of them woman who were involved in todays celebration in roles that no other woman in history have been involved in before. This country is going through changes. Good changes. It's a country that now honors woman in new roles of leadership.
As a mom of a Quinceanera and/or mentor of a young woman, it's time for you to guide your daughter or mentee for her to realize how special she is. Let her know she has the opportunity to fulfill her dream. A dream that she has talked about. And maybe you thought she was silly, when she told you she wanted to be a doctor, or a teacher or a attorney or whatever career path she mentioned.
Did you think to yourself... 'it would be so difficult for her to try and get there. I don't want her to be disappointed.' Did you want her to take the easy path. A path she knows and she won't fail.
Read the words of President Lincoln.
"You can have anything you want - if you want it badly enough. You can be
anything you want to be, do anything you set out to accomplish, if you hold
to that desire with singleness of purpose."
Be there for your daughter, especially as she celebrates her Quinceanera. Support her when she discusses her dreams with you. Believe in her dreams. She will love you more for being there and for your love and support.
Monday, December 29, 2008
How a Quinceanera Can Look like a Million on a Small Budget
Have you wondered why some of your friends and family are spending sooo much money on a Quinceanera's dress. A dress their daughter will only wear once?
Choosing the right style and color is more important than the price tag for a Quinceanera to look like a Princess.
I get phone calls all the time that the Quinceanera's sponsors donated money for her dress and they spent $1,000 on it. WoW...What kind of message is that for a girl who is planning on taking her first step as a young adult? As a young adult she will be responsible for making more decisions for herself.
After her Quince Celebration, when she says to her mother she wants to buy a pair of jeans for $150. And she gets upset when her mother says 'no' we can't afford it. The Quinceanera will be totally confused. She will be thinking her dress hanging in her closet cost $1,000. The jeans will only cost 15% of the price of her dress. And she can wear her jeans at least 100 times.
How can we expect our daughters to understand the value of things and make the best choices when they get mixed messages. Check out the great values of our designer Quinceanera dresses.
Do you have questions and need some assistance give me a call toll free: 1-866-478-4326.
All the best,
Choosing the right style and color is more important than the price tag for a Quinceanera to look like a Princess.
I get phone calls all the time that the Quinceanera's sponsors donated money for her dress and they spent $1,000 on it. WoW...What kind of message is that for a girl who is planning on taking her first step as a young adult? As a young adult she will be responsible for making more decisions for herself.
After her Quince Celebration, when she says to her mother she wants to buy a pair of jeans for $150. And she gets upset when her mother says 'no' we can't afford it. The Quinceanera will be totally confused. She will be thinking her dress hanging in her closet cost $1,000. The jeans will only cost 15% of the price of her dress. And she can wear her jeans at least 100 times.
How can we expect our daughters to understand the value of things and make the best choices when they get mixed messages. Check out the great values of our designer Quinceanera dresses.
Do you have questions and need some assistance give me a call toll free: 1-866-478-4326.
All the best,
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
How to Choose Your Quinceanera Dress
I receive calls all the time from Quinceanera's planning their special Quinceanera Celebration. They are looking for a dress they have been dreaming about since they were a little girl.
Most of the time they have an idea of the color and style of the dress they want. But, when I start to ask them some questions about their body type, they realize what they had in mind to wear would not be the best for them.
We are now carrying many Quinceanera Dresses on our regular site. And we started to put together an informational guide on how to choose the right Quinceanera dress.
Check out the information and the dresses. There are terrific savings, beautiful styles and lots to choose from.
Here is a picture of one of my favorite Quinceanera dresses:

Have fun shopping our Quinceanera dresses. Let us know which dress you like the best.
Wishing you all the best,
Most of the time they have an idea of the color and style of the dress they want. But, when I start to ask them some questions about their body type, they realize what they had in mind to wear would not be the best for them.
We are now carrying many Quinceanera Dresses on our regular site. And we started to put together an informational guide on how to choose the right Quinceanera dress.
Check out the information and the dresses. There are terrific savings, beautiful styles and lots to choose from.
Here is a picture of one of my favorite Quinceanera dresses:

Have fun shopping our Quinceanera dresses. Let us know which dress you like the best.
Wishing you all the best,
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